Thursday, September 11, 2008

Image X 08 Workshop - New Orleans!

I am just wondering.............

A. If there are any other photographers that read my blog

B. Are you attending the Image X 08 Workshop in New Orleans in October?

I am attending an amazing 3 day workshop in New Orleans in October and it will be the first time that I travel that far away by myself and I'm a little nervous. ;) I know I'll make friends when I get there but I was really hoping to maybe chat it up with some peeps attending before hand. So if you are going or would like to go drop me a line. I'd like to make friends.

Sorry bout this completely obscure post. Here's a pretty picture for all you blog stalkers. I have some teasers from last weekend's weddings and 4 slideshows coming soon!

1 comment:

Lumina Images-Nelly Soares said...

What an amazing shot! ok so does wishing I was going to Image X count :-(

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